This data collection provides information on the political, economic, and social dyadic interactions between 17 Asian states in the period 1956-1968. The variables are of two types, directional and nondirectional. The directional variables, such as imports, indicate the flow of goods or communication from one state to another. The nondirectional variables, such as shared inter-governmental organizational memberships and shared United Nations voting, indicate a mutual value between the states. Variables such as imports, diplomatic recognition, visits, and military aid also measure positive interaction or cooperative behavior between the states, and other variables such as demonstrations, expulsion of diplomats, territorial disputes, border closure, and violent conflicts measure conflictual interaction between them. The data for all the variables are aggregated annually for each of the years 1956 to 1968.
diplomacy, economic aid, foreign aid, imports, international conflict, international cooperation, international relations, trade relations,
Afghanistan, Asia, Australia, Burma, Cambodia, China (Peoples Republic), France, Global, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, Vietnam (Socialist Republic)