Global Views on the Death of Osama Bin Laden, 2011
This survey, fielded May 2011, was conducted in 27 countries to solicit public opinion on the killing of Osama bin Laden. Respondents were asked about their views on the killing of bin Laden and whether the person killed by American forces was actually bin Laden. In addition, the survey queried respondents on whether terrorism in the world would increase, decrease, or remain unchanged and whether their view about President Obama became better, worse, or remained unchanged after the bin Laden incident. Demographic information includes sex, age, household income, education, employment status, religious affiliation, and settlement type.
bin Laden, Osama, fatalities, military operations, military personnel, Obama, Barack, political attitudes, public opinion, terrorism, terrorist threat,
Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China (Peoples Republic), Finland, Germany, Global, Iceland, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Macedonia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Tunisia, United States
Global population of individuals 15 years of age and older.