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中心研究人员--Harry Smorenberg
来源: 浏览量:3147 更新时间:2017-05-22



Smorenberg企业咨询公司总裁,中国养老金国际研讨会联合创始人。曾工作于Banque Paribas and ABN AMRO,并在两个领先的战略咨询公司担任董事。


Member of the International Advisory Board of the Europe China Institute Nyenrode Business University;

Member of the Board of Advisors of NIBUD (National Institute for Family Finance Information);

Chairman Editorial Advisory Board of Banking & Finance, Europe;

Founder & Chairman of the International EPCA Summit (www.epcasummit.com);

Founder & Chairman of the GlobalPaymentSummit in Singapore (www.globalpaymentsummit.com);

Founder and CEO of Transactives;

Founder & Chairman of the WorldPensionSummit - (www.worldpensionsummit.com);

Founder and CEO of CrossFinance;

Chairman of the Board of Advisors of IME Consulting, Beijing – China;

Founder and Chairman of "New Normal in Working" (www.nieuwenormwerken.nl);

Boardmember and CFO of the "Drie Dolfijnen" foundation (charity fund)
