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The Longitudinal Study of Older People in Anhui Province, China, 2001-2003
来源: 浏览量:3238 更新时间:2017-05-27
The Longitudinal Study of Older People in Anhui Province, China, 2001-2003 examined the physical and psychological well-being of older adults (aged 60 and above) living in rural Anhui Province, China. The original purpose of the study was to study the impact of rural-to-urban migration on the physical and psychological well-being of older adults left behind in rural villages by their adult children. This collection contains two parts; Part 1: 2001 Survey and Part 2: 2003 Follow-up Survey. Similar Questions were asked in the two surveys to assess intergenerational transfers and relations of the respondents, including social support, caregiving, emotional cohesion, remittances, grandchild care, and filial piety. Respondents were also asked about their health status (physical, emotional, and cognitive). Demographic information includes age, sex, marriage status, and education.

NACDA/Silverstein, Merril, Syracuse University; Li, Shuzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong University

健康  >  老年
cognitive functioning, eldercare, emotional support, grandchildren, intergenerational relations, older adults, physical condition, psychological wellbeing, rural migration, rural population, social support,
China (Peoples Republic), Global

The sample data were collected from a sample of adults aged 60 and above living in rural townships within Chaohu, a city in the central part of Anhui province. The sample was identified using a stratified multistage method to randomly select 1,800 potential respondents. First, 12 rural townships were randomly selected from a total of 126 townships in Chaohu. Second, six administrative villages were randomly selected in each township. Third, within each selected village, all people aged 60 years and above were stratified to form two sampling frames based on age: (1) individuals aged 60-74 years, and (2) individuals aged 75 years and above, providing an intentional over-sampled population aged 75+. To guarantee that only one participant per household was interviewed, the following two measures were adopted in the sample selection procedure: If household partners were selected for each of the two age groups, then the younger partner would be dropped, and a substitute respondent would be selected randomly as a replacement for him/her; If household partners were both selected from the same age group, then the second partner chosen would be dropped, and a substitute respondent would be randomly selected as a replacement.
paper and pencil interview (PAPI)

