This collection was created by the United Nations from information collected from individual countries regarding their industrial production. The collection contains, for each reporting country, data on the type and amount of industrial production for the years 1963-1979. There are statistics on production for various industries including mining, manufacturing, construction, financing, and community and personal services. Production quantities are indicated in the basic units of that particular industry (e.g., number, man-hours, kilowatt hours, etc.). The data are organized by country, industry, and year, and thus, multiple country records may exist for each industry depending on the data years available. Part 1 contains information for the years 1967-1979, and Part 2 contains data for the years 1963-1966 (with some instances of overlapping data in the files). The data collected for these files was used as the master file input for the YEARBOOK OF INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS, VOLUME 1. The files have 19 variables (17 are alphanumeric, 2 are double precision floating point).